Anthony Jenkins
“Doris Day”
Doris Day ( Doris Mary Anne Kappelhoff) lived to be 97 years old. April 3 2022, she’d have been 100.
Keith Moreau
“Two Peas in a Pod”
Coloured pencil
30″ X 20″
In corporate collection
Keith is the artist behind Big Art Buzz and welcomes you to the creative hive.
To see more of Keith’s artwork, check out his Facebook page.
Sheila Vander Wier
“Spring Rose”
Oil on gallery canvas
10″ X 10″
For full range of prints click here https://sheilavanderwier.com/
Conrad Mieschke
“Callum at 13”
Pencil drawing
24″ X 19″
For more examples of Barrie artist Conrad’s artwork, see his category on Big Art Buzz or visit his website https://conrad-mieschke.pixels.com/?