Anthony Jenkins
“HRH Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh R.I.P.”
An older caricature by Anthony.
Author: Big Art Buzz
Halfway Brook
Sherry Park
“Halfway Brook”
Cape Breton Highlands, Nova Scotia
Oils on cradle board
8″ X 8″
Kurt Cobain
Anthony Jenkins
“Kurt Cobain”
27 years ago, April 5 Kurt took his life.
Mea Culpa
Conrad Mieschke
“Mea Culpa
Egg tempera and twenty-three and a half karat gold leaf on board
50 X 38 cm
” I came across this roadside crucifix during a winter vacation in Switzerland years ago, and it caught my immediate attention. My imagination planted the idea in my head to incorporate it in a future painting. One of those rare moments, when a perfect composition for a new painting already unfolds right in front of you. It is also one of the paintings that will remain in my own private family collection.”
For more examples of Barrie artist Conrad’s artwork, see his category on Big Art Buzz or visit his website
Jane Goodall
Anthony Jenkins
Jane Goodall
Turned 87 on April 3, 2021.
Yellow Brick Floral
Keith Moreau
“Yellow Brick Floral”
Coloured pencil
18″ X 24″
Drawn out of my head
Keith is the artist behind Big Art Buzz and welcomes you to the creative hive.
To see more of Keith’s artwork, check out his Facebook page.
Spike Lee
Anthony Jenkins
“Spike Lee”
Turned 64 in March
Pink Purity
Sheila Vander Wier
“Pink Purity”
12″ X12″
Oil on Birch board
$500 (SOLD)
Eric Clapton
Anthony Jenkins
“Eric Clapton”
Turned 76 on March 30
View of Atlantic Coastline from Jack Pine Trail
Sherry Park
“View of Atlantic Coastline from Jack Pine Trail”
6″ X 12″
“I started this en plein air watercolour, was only able to do a rough sketch with pencil back in Cape Breton and finally got around to finishing it. I’m happy with it. I miss the hiking.”