Calm After the Storm

copyright svw calm after the stormSheila Vander Wier
“Calm After the Storm”
14″ x 18″
Oil on canvas

Artist Bio:
Growing up I always enjoyed art.  Whenever I had a chance during my travels I would visit art galleries and be in awe of the artists creations.
I am a self taught artist who is inspired by the beauty of God’s creation.
I enjoy the challenge of creating with oil and acrylic on canvas.
I thank the Lord for giving me such a wonderful gift that I can share with others.
It has been exciting to have my work accepted in the open Juried
Show and Wildlife Show at Beaux-arts in 2012.
Receiving honorable mention and peoples choice award has inspired me in my art work.  Over the past years I have also painted set piece for the Brampton Music Theater and it is a thrill to see everything come together on stage.
This is been a great adventure and looking forward to what the future holds.

3 for free

12-days-3-for-freeKeith Moreau
“3 for Free”
Design and illustrations are by Brampton artist Keith Moreau.
Clicking on any of the 3 links below will connect with a PDF to enable you to print. The first link is for the black & white colouring sheet, second is for the first six decorations and the last is for the six other decorations.
Merry Christmas to everyone.
Keith is the artist behind Big Art Buzz and welcomes you to the creative hive.
To see more of Keith’s artwork, check out his Facebook page.

Keith is giving permission for individuals to print the full colour decorations sheets and/or the “12 Days of Christmas” colouring sheet for family use (and to give to friends) & for teachers to give to students. Public institutions such as libraries, museums, galleries and places of worship may also distribute for free.
NOTE: No for profit useage is allowed unless permission is given by artist Keith Moreau.

Keith is the artist behind Big Art Buzz and welcomes you to the creative hive.
To see more of Keith’s artwork, check out his Facebook page.
Now with an Album “Perspective Lessons Plus

The 12 Days of Christmas A Cappella Keith Moreau is now on Youtube for your viewing enjoyment with vocals provided by mother/daughter duo Moira & Elena and the illustrations by Keith.

12 Days Wreath

12-days-christmas-wreathKeith Moreau
“12 Days Wreath”
Created from illustrations Keith designed for his 2016 Christmas card it shows the complete gift from the partridge to the drummers.
To see Christmas cards Keith has created over the years and go to: and under “photos” click on “albums” and open “Christmas Cards Through the Years”.

Also created were a colouring sheet and  2 sheets of  decorations pages for your tree or fridge printable from links on Big Art Buzz on Facebook.
In the works is a music video to be available on


Keith is the artist behind Big Art Buzz and welcomes you to the creative hive.
To see more of Keith’s artwork, check out his Facebook page.
Now with an Album “Perspective Lessons Plus