William Band Portfolio

William Band
“William Band Portfolio”

Works by Erin artist William Band compiled for Upper Level Artworks A Sesquicentennial Project of Big Art Buzz.
There are ten square details of works in each frame and 15 frames
which showcases a total of 150 works for Canada’s 150th.
This is the 14th posting of the 15 portfolios. One more to showcase.

William lives in Erin Ontario and has extensive experience in drawing and painting and gladly shares that knowledge  through his popular workshops.
See his work on William’s official website.

Keith Portfolio

Keith Moreau
“Keith’s Portfolio”

Works by Brampton Artist Keith Moreau compiled for Upper Level Artworks
A Sesquicentennial Project of Big Art Buzz.
There are ten square details of works in each frame and 15 frames
which showcases a total of 150 works for Canada’s 150th.
This is the sixth posting of the 15 portfolios.

Keith is the designer/manager of bigartbuzz.com and the artist who organized and curated the “Upper Level Artworks” exhibit and welcomes you to our creative “hive”.

To see more of Keith’s artwork, check out his Facebook page.
Now with an Album “Perspective Lessons Plus

Christopher’s Portfolio

Works by C. A. Seaman compiled for Upper Level Artworks
A Sesquicentennial Project of Big Art Buzz.
There are ten square details of works in each frame and 15 frames
which showcases a total of 150 works for Canada’s 150th.
This is the third posting of the 15 portfolios.

You may see much more of Christopher’s works at http://picsandprose.com/

Concept and design of project by Keith Moreau.

Sal 4 Door Dali

Keith Moreau
“Sal 4 Door Dali”
Scratchboard 18″ x 24″

Created for solo show in the Rose Theatre Gallery titled
“All the Grills I’ve Known Before” this piece took over 17 hours just for the scratching. That doesn’t include the design and layout or the transfer to the scratchboard. Work completed September 22, 2016 and minor enhancements on January 24, 2018.
This work was also exhibited in the “Gathering” themed show July 10 to August 23, 2019 at the Central Library in Mississauga. It was a Visual Arts Mississauga juried exhibit.

Keith is the artist behind Big Art Buzz and welcomes you to the creative hive.
To see more of Keith’s artwork, check out his Facebook page.
Now with an Album “Perspective Lessons Plus


Autosaurus Wrecks

copyright km autosaurus wrecksKeith Moreau
“Autosaurus Wrecks”
Acrylic on black stock
12″ x 18″

Keith is the artist behind Big Art Buzz and welcomes you to the creative hive.
To see more of Keith’s artwork, check out his Facebook page.
Now with an Album “Perspective Lessons Plus

The above artwork was completed on September 6, 2016 for Keith’s October show at the Rose Theatre Gallery in downtown Brampton. The exhibit is titled “All the Grills I’ve Known Before”.

Grill of My Dreams

copyright km grill of my dreamsKeith Moreau
“Grill of My Dreams”
10″ x 15″

Keith is the artist behind Big Art Buzz and welcomes you to the creative hive.
To see more of Keith’s artwork, check out his Facebook page.
Now with an Album “Perspective Lessons Plus
The above artwork was completed on August 16, 2016 for Keith’s October show at the Rose Theatre Gallery in downtown Brampton. The exhibit is titled “All the Grills I’ve Known Before”.


copyright km excaliburKeith Moreau
18″ x 10.5″
Lino Block Print (Limited edition of 20)
$60 (No frame)

Created for October art show “All the Grills I’ve Known Before” in the Rose Theatre Gallery, Brampton

Keith is the artist behind Big Art Buzz and welcomes you to the creative hive.
To see more of Keith’s artwork, check out his Facebook page.
Now with an Album “Perspective Lessons Plus