William Band
“Yellow Auto”
11″ x 14″
See this work on William’s official website.
Art of various forms of transportation. Can be real or imagined from any time period.
William Band
“Yellow Auto”
11″ x 14″
See this work on William’s official website.
Keith Moreau
“Patriotic Pickup”
Coloured Pencil
NFS In private collection
Keith is the artist behind Big Art Buzz and welcomes you to the creative hive.
To see more of Keith’s artwork, check out his Facebook page.
C.A. Seaman
“Reaping Whirlwinds”
14″ x 11″
Coloured Pencil, Watercolour, Mixed Media
You may see much more of Christopher’s works at http://picsandprose.com/
C.A. Seaman
“Charging Mustangs”
14″ x 11″
Coloured pencil and watercolour mixed media,
You may see much more of Christopher’s works at http://picsandprose.com/
Conrad Mieschke
“The Old Red Chevy Pickup”
While this artwork is sold, licensing rights are available.
For more examples of Conrad’s artwork, see his category on Big Art Buzz or https://conrad-mieschke.pixels.com/?