My Sweet Scarlett

Sheila Vander Wier
“My Sweet Scarlett”
Portrait of artist’s granddaughter

  • Sheila is an award winning international fine art artist and has been painting full time for six years.  Her works have been accepted into prestigious Open Juried Shows in the GTA and in collections as far away as United States and Europe.  She has exhibits in the Autumn Art sale at the McMichael Art Gallery and yearly in the Pelham Fine Art Festival, Carmel Fine Art and Music Festival, and the Buckhorn Fine Art Festival.  Sheila  can be found painting at her home Studio in Pelham, Ontario.

Margaret Atwood

Anthony Jenkins
Margaret Atwood

Canada’s Margaret Atwood has released a sequel to ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ – ‘The Testaments’

A few exquisite lines expressed with flare- Select areas of colour created here & there. This describes Anthony’s amazing caricature of Margaret. for more of Tony’s
amazing works under many different categories.


Thérèse Schell
Pencil drawing

Thérèse grew up in the Village of Lafontaine. She graduated from the 5 year program at Penetanguishene Secondary and was a student of Hugh Niblock.
Once she graduated from PSS (ESPSS), she went on to George Brown College and pursued an art career through their Graphic Design program and graduated  in 1982 with a Graphic Design Technician degree.
Presently a Real Estate Broker – working at BUY THE SHORES of Georgian Bay Realty Inc. in the Midland – Penetang – Tiny & Tay Township district, as the Broker of Record for the company, which opened in June 2014.
“I am lucky that I am able to use my artistic talent in my professional career.
I draw my own graphic – which appears weekly, in the local real estate paper.”
“Some of my art work is out an about town – Jim Lavin Electrical logo – the little “bonhomme” is my design.  He was one of my first designs, and Jim is still using my art work!  His logo is recognizable, known and visible on his work vehicles.”
“My greatest pride is the mural I painted on the exterior wall of the Penetang Legion Br. 68.  I painted the mural in 2010.”
Inquiries should be sent to



Anthony Jenkins
Boris Johnson as interpreted so well by Anthony.
Above the bigger version is the illustration as a cover for Cold Type.

Another amazing caricature designed with flare. Exquisite use of line and colour. for more of Tony’s
amazing works under many different categories.