Father Time

Keith Moreau
“Father Time”
Pen & ink
21.5″ X 33″

“Father Time” was created using a Sharpie pen. It is a large piece and took 20 to 30 hours to draw. The hair is different years from various centuries, the flesh is watches, the edge of the nose and interior of the mouth is the months of the year and the tone of the iris is the days of the week.

Keith is the artist behind Big Art Buzz and welcomes you to the creative hive.
To see more of Keith’s artwork, check out his Facebook page.

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Pauli Boerman

C. A. Seaman
“Pauli Boerman”
Preparatory illustration for Christopher’s book “Manna”
Christopher said, “So the process of developing drawings from the computer images is ongoing. A lot of study and several test drawings later, this is where I want to go with Pauli, the main character. She is half Balinese Asian and half Dutch. Her hair will be dark mouse coloured and her eyes will be lighter than in the computer image. I haven’t decided on keeping them brown or making them green. This will be the first of three views- portrait, 3/4, profile. A full body model will follow soon.”

You may see much more of Christopher’s works at http://picsandprose.com/