Gingerbread Colouring Sheet

This is the initial linework for the 2017 Christmas card by buzz artist Keith Moreau. If anyone chooses to print it as a colouring sheet, he gives permission for individual printing as long as it is not for monetary gain.

CLICK on image above to print on standard paper.

This is the full-colour card created in pen & ink, watercolour and digital colour.

Keith is giving permission for individuals to print the colouring sheets for family use (and to give to friends) & for teachers to give to students. Public institutions such as libraries, museums, galleries and places of worship may also distribute for free.
NOTE: No for profit useage is allowed unless permission is given by artist Keith Moreau.

Keith is the artist behind Big Art Buzz and welcomes you to the creative hive.
To see more of Keith’s artwork, check out his Facebook page.