
Keith Moreau
16″ X 18″

“Seven Down” is a limited edition elimination stencil serigraph (screen print). I drew the layout and then traced it to the fabric of the screen. Screen block out was applied to the screen fabric where I wanted the paper to stay white. I then printed the first colour which was the light green. The ink covered the entire area where the white wasn’t. I kept blocking further and further areas as I print each colour. The last area open to receive ink was for the final colour which was the red. The technique is called elimination since you eliminate areas of the open screen between each colour.
Seven Down is in various collections including the City of Toronto Art Collection.

Keith is the artist behind Big Art Buzz and welcomes you to the creative hive.
To see more of Keith’s artwork, check out his Facebook page.

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Anthony Jenkins
Born March 3 in Gravenhurst, Ontario, Norman Bethune, selfless battlefield surgeon during Mao’s revolutionary rise to power. Statues celebrating him are erected throughout China, where he died. The biannual ‘Bethune Medal’ honours outstanding contribution to medicine in China.


Brampton High School

Albert Seaman
“Brampton High School”
Pen and ink illustration for Heritage Brampton An illustrated review of
some fine old buildings in the City. 1978

Port Hope artist, Albert Seaman, lived in Brampton for many years and was active as an artist and heritage enthusiast when he created his amazing illustrations.

Albert and Andy Donato had launched a Bramalea art group in the years before this Heritage Board publication. Albert served as Chairman of the Brampton Library Board also.

Father Time

Keith Moreau
“Father Time”
Pen & ink
21.5″ X 33″

“Father Time” was created using a Sharpie pen. It is a large piece and took 20 to 30 hours to draw. The hair is different years from various centuries, the flesh is watches, the edge of the nose and interior of the mouth is the months of the year and the tone of the iris is the days of the week.

Keith is the artist behind Big Art Buzz and welcomes you to the creative hive.
To see more of Keith’s artwork, check out his Facebook page.

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