With Love

Sheila Vander Wier
“With Love”
Oil on canvas
7″ X 9″

  • Sheila is an award winning international fine art artist and has been painting full time for six years.  Her works have been accepted into prestigious Open Juried Shows in the GTA and in collections as far away as United States and Europe.  She has exhibits in the Autumn Art sale at the McMichael Art Gallery and yearly in the Pelham Fine Art Festival, Carmel Fine Art and Music Festival, and the Buckhorn Fine Art Festival.  Sheila  can be found painting at her home Studio in Pelham, Ontario.


New Hope

Sheila Vander Wier
“New Hope”
Oils on canvas
12″ X 9″
$325 (SOLD)

  • Sheila is an award winning international fine art artist and has been painting full time for six years.  Her works have been accepted into prestigious Open Juried Shows in the GTA and in collections as far away as United States and Europe.  She has exhibits in the Autumn Art sale at the McMichael Art Gallery and yearly in the Pelham Fine Art Festival, Carmel Fine Art and Music Festival, and the Buckhorn Fine Art Festival.  Sheila  can be found painting at her home Studio in Pelham, Ontario.


Celine Dion

Brian J. Michon
“Celine Dion”
Oil on canvas
2′ X 3′

“Here is an oil painting based on the career of Celine Dion. The concept was to show Celine in various stages of her career by merging various sections of images from her past up to present day. I wanted to create a portrait that was far from traditional, while still being able to keep a likeness. Painted as a tribute to a friend. I think I will do one more in this style geared to a different audience.

As well, since parts of images were used to base this painting off of and in keeping with Fair Use Guidelines, this work does not directly copy any full work of photographed material. The intent was to comment on said subject matter in hopes of documenting a long career by creating a new artwork whose concept is entirely my own thus eliminating any confusion as to the creator of the work.

Along with his amazing portraits Brian enjoys painting landscapes.
Brian is from Geraldton, Ontario.
