Jorge Fernandez
“Hills of Valparaiso”
Oil painting
30″ X 24″
Originally from Chile. Brampton artist Jorge Fernandez loves to paint and sculpt.
Studied at Bellas Artes – Fine Arts School
Anthony Jenkins
“Sarah Huckabee Sanders”
Another amazing caricature designed with flare. Exquisite use of line and colour. for more of Tony’s
amazing works under many different categories.
Sheila Vander Wier
“Arise and Shine”
5″ X 10″
$150 framed (SOLD)
Anthony Jenkins
“Purple Rain, with Gusts of Gray”
Today would have been Prince’s 61st birthday.
Another amazing caricature designed with flare. Exquisite use of line and colour. for more of Tony’s
amazing works under many different categories.
Anthony Jenkins
“John Snow, Game of Thrones”
Another amazing caricature designed with flare. Exquisite use of line and colour. for more of Tony’s
amazing works under many different categories.
Conrad Mieschke
“Happy Mother’s Day”
15″ X 22″
For more examples of Conrad’s artwork, see his category on Big Art Buzz or visit his website
Along with his beautiful landscapes Conrad accepts portrait commissions in watercolour and pencil drawings.
Sheila Vander Wier
“Little Fluffy Friends”
12″ X 24″
Oil painting
Therese Schell
Pencil drawing
For an area family
Margaret Sarah Pardy
Scratchboard with watercolour added.
This is one of two works Margaret sold at the 2019 Elected Members Juried Art Show at Vida Viva Gallery, Pointe Claire, Quebec.
Margaret’s newest scratchboard is another amazing work. An admirer said that they thought it was a sculpture because of the three dimensionality of the image.
Margaret’s an international artist.
Her creative process starts with her original photographs of nature, and then takes the best images to work up her composition. Many times she uses multiple images for reference to create her final composition.
Her studio and gallery space at the Alton Mills Art Centre at 1402 Queen St., Alton, Ontario. She also participates in various juried shows across southern Ontario and the United States.
Sheila Vander Wier
Oil on birch
12″ X 12″
Prepared for the Pelham Fine Arts Festival in May.